Archive for August 8th, 2006


Yeah, so?

Erasure friended me on Myspace today. How weird is that? Well, it’s not that weird actually it’s kind of awesome. If you play records for other people and you don’t have a copy of “Chains of Love” have you been living inside a cave or something?
Ok, so I just moved this past Saturday. I’m no longer in Queens. I now reside in the L.E.S. My room is now really small though so I’m basically living on top of a ton of records.
If any of you confused lab blog readers want to buy any records holler at me (drpitts “at”’s/Drom and Bass/Downtempo/Whatever… I went through a lot of musical phases though my teens and within the past few years.
I turn 25 in a few weeks I need to get my act together.
Oh and by the way I saw Kathleen Turner the other day at the Mac store. She’s still actually kind of hot, but not “Serial Mom” hot though.
Also, live Warrant LP releases are seriously hurting my wallet right now. Who knew that shit would be so hard to find. I’m currently working on a Warrant mixtape. Be prepared (It was basically either Warrant or Ratt but Warrant has a lot more variety in my opinion).
P.S. The song “Victim of a Crime” off of Phoenix’s second album is my current jam.


The Production Squad here at lab consists of Snackmaster, Lemon-Red, and myself. Lemon’s out right now, touring on a bus overflowing with Brazilian girls right now, namely CSS and Bonde Do Role, so Snack and I are holding it down, giving you that daily. Here’s a sneak peak at what makes our work seem like home.
P-Love gave this little ditty to the Frogman , but has since been passed on to me, when the frogman, bounced to the left coast. The green post-it actually reads, “For all audio complaints, pull barrell.” For all those who don’t know, the barrell hides a hugely unproportional third leg that salutes all who fall victim.
Promo only. Vanilla scented. Who wants to be caught ridin’ stanky?
This was sent to us by one of our favorite artists, Jason Jagel, of the Dudley Perkins and MM Food cover fame. He rocks.
This thing is fucking great. During a three day frenzied cleaning of the warehouse, I came up on this archeological relic from the height of the Turntablist era. Its about 5 times the size of your normal 45 adaptor and ten times as heavy. Consider it a medicine ball for skratching. Guess it beats having to carry around one of those finger muscle builders, which in public gives off that “I’m a pyschotic strangler” vibe.
Ever wonder how Snackmaster got his name? This ration box contains some of the most delicious goodies one can get, and I sit right next to him. Butter nut popcorn with macadamias, gummi cherries, garlic cracker nuts, garlic flavored cornick (which kicks cornnuts ass, cause they’re lighter and more potent), and Regal Dynasty Delight’s cookies with soft cream and raspberry centre. I wont encroach on Snack’s treasure box, but every now and then while I’m sweating trying to put up records for ya’ll, I’ll get a tap on a shoulder with an open bag held in front of me, and a “yo dude.” Respect.


Office Check RE:UP

Coat-tailing on the office supply posts, here’s a few things from the RE:UP studio.
The Tijuana Cockfighter
Go to hell with your Kubricks and Kaws Companions. This right here is a hand made cockfight toy only available in the streets of my favorite city… TJ, Baja California, Mexico. Some cork, feathers, and some wire is all that is needed to make any child’s dream come true. Swivel it around, and it look’s like they are pecking each other to death. 5 Pesos.
Mermaid torso with light-up yams.
Found this one in a club I was DJing at back in San Diego years ago. The nipples still blink after all these years.
Tony Alva FreshJive Book
I’m not one to name drop, but…
A selection of artwork
Of course, it’s yet to be hanged, and will most likely be sitting in the same place 6 months from now. The painting of the kid is by me grandmama… an image of yours truly when I was a wee lad growing up in SoCa.
Herman Miller Aeron
I cannot stress this enough!!! Like Pete mentioned before in his post regarding carpel tunnel and having the right mouse and keyboard to fix it, a good office chair is an absolute necessity. Well worth the money if you plan on sitting on your fat ass all day. Highly recommended.
The Apex TV
It’s huge, ways a ton, and only cost $100. When I bought this beast, I thought it would only last 6 months… lo-n-behold, this guy’s alive and kickin for 3 years now. What a deal. For those not in the know, Apex brand is Circuit City’s generic electronics company. Still waiting for the Lab to pick that line up.

August 2006